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Singhas & Michael Corp.

"The Well Drillers"

Looking for a licensed contractor to drill your water well? Singhas & Michael Corp. is a Well Drilling Contractor in Berryville, VA offering clients professional and reliable service since 1991. In additon to drilling, we offer a variety of services for your water needs. Call or email us today for a quote!

About Us

Since 1991, Singhas & Michael Corp. has been serving VA & WV as a licensed water well drilling contractor. We provide service to the counties of Clarke, Frederick, Warren, Loudoun, and Fauquier in Virginia, and the counties of Berkeley and Jefferson in West Virginia. Since 2012, we also install and service well pumps and water systems to provide water to your residence. We can also provide water treatment and water testing. We are a full service well contractor. Contact us for any of your water needs.

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Our Services

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Water Well Drilling

Our company has over 25 years of experience in water well drilling. We can help you select a well location and with the well permitting process. We know well drilling is foreign to most people when building a new residence, and we are willing to explain the process and help you along the way.

Well Pumps and Water Systems

The second step in the well drilling process is to connect the well to the residence. We are very knowledgeable about the types and sizes of pumps and will choose the best one for your particular well depth and yield. We can install all the waterline and wires to get your well pump up and running and water flowing into your home.

Water Treatment

Due to the underlying bedrock in the counties we service, it is likely you will need some type of water treatment. The chemical makeup of the water could effect the taste, smell, and color of your water; that's where water treatment comes in. We can test for Hardness, Iron, pH (acidity), TDS (total dissolved solids), and Sulfur and make recommendations on the best unit(s) based on our findings.

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Service Calls

Did you wake up this morning and turn the shower on only to find you have NO WATER? Out of water situations take priority for us. We know how worrying it can be to have no running water for no explicable reason. Your first step should always be to turn the breaker off to the well pump, and then CALL US! We will do our best to diagnose the problem and get your system back up and running as quickly as possible.

Geothermal Wells

Looking for a natural energy source for heating your home? We also drill geothermal wells. Call us today for our current pricing.

Chlorination & Bacteria Testing

Bacteria tests absent for E. Coli and Coliform are now becoming a requirement in our area for home sales that have existing wells. Chlorination is recommended before catching a sample to send to the lab for bacteria testing. Chlorination "shocks" or decontaminates the well and plumbing throughout the house in order to hopefully receive a passing bacteria test result. Please contact us for availability and pricing.


Do I need a permit to drill a well? Can you obtain it for me?

Yes, you need a well permit in order to drill a well on your property. We need the permit in hand before we can get you on our schedule. Contact your local health department to inquire about the permitting process. In some counties, we can help in the permitting process, but most county health departments require the use of an AOSE to submit well permit applications.

Can you provide an estimate for well drilling?

Yes, we can provide an estimate based on average well depths in the area and provide per foot pricing for drilling and casing depths. We cannot provide an exact estimate because no one knows how deep the well will actually go and how much casing will be required. Please contact us for our current pricing. The rising cost of steel and drilling materials causes our prices to fluctuate.

But the lot next door has a well that went 150', won't mine be around the same depth?

No, no one knows what the bedrock aquifer looks like below earth's surface. There are different fractures, caves, and caverns that water flows through in and under the bedrock. There is no guarantee that what is under the earth at your neighbor's well site will be the same even 50 feet away from where their well was drilled. We absolutely cannot guarantee that your well will also be around 150'.

I need to get my building permit within a week. The health department said I need my well before I can obtain it. Can you drill my well next Tuesday at 2:00?

No, probably definitely not. With well drilling, there is no set schedule. Our drilling schedule is entirely based on the weather, the ground conditions, the area we are currently drilling in, etc.

  • Drilling rigs and trucks are heavy equipment, the ground cannot be overly muddy from excessive rainfall in order for us to get onto most properties.

  • We are a small company with only 2 drilling rigs. We try to knock out as many wells as we can while we are in a particular area.

  • Wells can take a day to up to a week to drill.

There are a number of factors that determine when and where we drill wells.​ Our advice is if you are buying raw land with no option for city water and sewer hookup, then well drilling should be one of the first things on your agenda, so you can obtain your building permit when you're ready to build with no hold ups.

Can you give me an estimate for a well pump and water system before the well is drilled?

No, but we can provide a range of pricing based on other systems we have installed. The price of a water system ultimately depends on the type of system you desire, the well depth, well yield, the distance between the well and the location where the water system components will be installed in the house, etc. There are varying sizes of pumps and lengths of pipe and wire that will be required for your particular system based on the parameters listed above.

My water smells like eggs and is turning my toilet orange! My neighbor has a water softener and his water is perfect. Can you give me an estimate for one?

We can certainly give you an estimate, but it is likely a water softener will not take care of the problems you are having. There are a variety of water treatment units to treat problems with water. We can test your water free of charge and give you treatment recommendations based on the results. Water softeners are designed to treat hard water and a small amount of Iron. It sounds as though you have Sulfur and a large amount of Iron, which a water softener will not treat effectively, if at all. We can recommend other treatment units that will effectively treat and remove the Sulfur and Iron in your water.


425 Jack Enders Blvd, Berryville, VA 22611, USA

Phone: (540) 955-3582

Fax: (540) 955-9548

Phone: (540) 955-3582

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